Specialist Certificate In Clinical Hypnotherapy (Part 3)
The course is your final step towards becoming a qualified clinical hypnotherapist. To help you make this journey each student will receive a personal tutor and clinical mentor.
You will:
Acquire advanced psychotherapy and specialised hypnotherapy techniques such as regression, dissociation, inner child techniques and psychodrama in hypnosis
Develop treatment protocols for issues such as anxiety and depression, panic disorders, emotional pain, management of chronic pain, allergies, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other physical conditions.
Acquire the skills to work with special groups such as children and teenagers, pregnant women, and sports professionals
Develop an understanding of your client’s belief systems and explore so called esoteric approaches
Integrate psychotherapeutic approaches with clinical hypnosis creating your own unique approaches to case management and client centred approaches.
As a minimum entry requirement, you must have successfully completed and passed the Advanced Certificate in Hypnosis & Behavioural Change (Part 2), or have completed and passed similar courses as agreed with the LSCCH.
Course Delivery: Blended Learning
You will gain access to a learning platform with a wide array of resources including video lectures, video demonstrations of hypnosis in action, and opportunities to discuss with other participants.
Live virtual coaching on how to write a script
Live virtual coaching for working with patients online and in physical sessions
Live virtual mentoring group sessions for clinical practice
All lectures are video recorded providing easy access to learning
Classroom time is interactive and practical. Students are encouraged to share their own experiences. You will also benefit from the opportunity to discuss real case studies.
Tutorial are offered in small groups on line – you are required to attend three tutorials and a tutorial fee of £30 is payable per tutorial
Clinical supervision is offered on an individual basis and you are required to attend three clinical supervision sessions.
Students are required to have associate membership of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis (BSCH) and to obtain professional indemnity insurance. You can visit the BSCH for more information on www.bsch.org.uk
For more information, click on the Chat icon to get in touch, or email us at info@lscch.co.uk.
Included are :
Pain management techniques
Treatment of IBS, migraine and other functional illness
Skin allergies and other stress-related symptoms and disorders
Depression, anxiety disorders including panic attacks
Advanced regressive and dissociative techniques
Advanced psychotherapeutic techniques
Drug-free treatment options
Payment Method​
Specialist Cert Full fees: £2480
Early registration fee with Payment plan: £2016
Full Payment upon registration: £1920
Payment Plan ** Instalment on Early Bird £504 per month paid in 4 monthly instalments to be completed consecutively
Students are required to have associate membership of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis (BSCH) and to obtain professional indemnity insurance. You can visit the BSCH for more information on www.bsch.org.uk
Special discount: If you have a discount code, please enter the code at checkout.
For more information, click on the Chat icon to get in touch, or email us at info@lscch.co.uk.