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Techniques for Healing the Fractured Self (Ego State Approaches)


On this course, you will learn:


  • How to communicate and work with ego states

  • How to manage aggressor introjects      

  • How to work with protector states and malevolent states

  • Approaches to accessing states that are reluctant or unable to speak

  • How to use ego states for resource acquisition

  • The Invisible Bridge technique

  • How to work with physical and sexual abuse, and rape

  • How to work with abusive relationships, and emotional abuse

  • How to work with obsessive compulsive disorder

  • Ego state approaches to working with a traumatised inner child

This practical course will teach you how to identify clients suitable for ego state therapy, evaluate their readiness for treatment, and assess problematic ego states. The course's key goals include integrating ego states, resolving ego conflicts, and healing trauma, thereby enhancing therapists' ability to effectively manage complicated psychological issues.


Career Pathway

LSCCH is committed to helping students and graduates develop their careers as helping professionals.


Graduates who are also members of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis may apply to join the LSCCH Therapy Centre – an international virtual therapy centre. Graduates can also benefit from the LSCCH referral of patients.


Graduates who are non-hypnotherapy healthcare practitioners or who have other professional therapy backgrounds should discuss their career options with LSCCH staff.


All students and graduates will benefit from access to clinical supervisors
and practice support.



The course is open to qualified clinical hypnotherapists, therapists, medical and healthcare professionals.


Course Delivery : Blended Learning

LSCCH offers an exciting blend of live webinars, face-to-face learning, and online resources designed to make your learning experience enjoyable and easy to manage.


  • Once you register you will have access to an extensive learning platform, which offers a wide array of resources including video lectures, video demonstrations of hypnosis, and opportunities to discuss with other students.

  • All live lectures and technique demonstrations are recorded allowing students to revisit them whenever they wish

  • Classroom and webinar time are designed to be interactive and practical. Students are encouraged to share their own experiences and will have the opportunity to practice all the techniques in a safe and friendly environment.

  • Tutorials are offered in small groups online



This course represents 35 hours of verifiable Continuous Professional Development (CPD).

Payment Method​


Early registration: £670

Normal fee: £870




You may book a place to this course with deposit of £230.

Special discount: If you have a discount code, please enter the code at checkout.


For more information, click on the Chat icon to get in touch, or email us at

Ego State Preview Replay

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123 Pall Mall, St. James's, London, SW1Y 5EA

​ | +44 20 7183 9505


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